Thursday, February 10, 2005


My imagination has always been wild and unrestrained, as long as it resided in my mind. With every new book that I read I want to either have an adventure that wonderful/special or to be able to dream up an adventure or story that wild and well conceived. In my attempt to be extraordinary I find myself becoming more and more ordinary. The more ordinary I discover myself becoming the more I try to be extraordinary. And that doesn't really work, but still I try. I have these amazing stories in my mind that I dream up night and day, but whenever I sit down to write them they never develop as well on paper as they did in my mind. Every time I tell the story it never comes out the same, it never comes out right. I get stuck on what I think the listener want to hear or what I think they're interested in instead of being true to my story.

Written words are so much more beautiful, elegant, and powerful than spoken words. The imagination of the reader is more powerful than anything else -short of God. Words and the imagination are the closest things we have to magic. They can transport us to other worlds, introduce us to creatures we could have never met on our own, give us life long friends that never leave or betray. Words have given me wings- great snowy expanses flecked with gold and silver specks - and allowed me to fly above towns and cities, rivers and lakes that don't exist on any map in our world. Words give me skills that I would otherwise never have: how to ride a horse at neck-breaking speeds, how to wield a sword, blast a wall open with magic, heal a broken bone with my mind... All of this I can do through words. Sooner or later one has to leave words and go back to a world where there are no wings, no horses that talk or whatnots.

Even though I can do so much with words, there is so much more that cannot be said or described. Love for instance. Love is patience, love is kind, it does not boast... this describes what love is like, what it looks like, but it misses the intense joy and wonder of love, the fierceness and the depth. Even these words don't do justice for what love really is. It is always going to be so much more, so much that will be left unsaid...


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