Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sexual Harassment

As most of you know I work in a security office, so there is a lot of training that needs to be done for new employees. We recently hired a new security officer named Judah, and let me tell you, he is a really nice guy with a great sense of humor (you sort of need a big one to work in our office). Because there are so many facets of our office and different things that we do, training a new officer takes a few weeks. During the training process the new officer goes from one person to another getting training in the different areas (i.e. parking, dispatch, front desk, security services, etc). Because Judah just started I have been placed in charge in making sure that he has all the tools in place before he starts like setting up his e-mail account and making sure that he watches the necessary training videos about FERPA and HIPA laws.

This afternoon my boss called me to her office where she was chatting with Shaun (one of our other officers) and Judah. She said to me, "Rebecca, Judah has finished watching the videos do you think you could teach him sexual harassment?"

Talk about akward.

At this I paused and tried really hard not to laugh. I couldn't help it, a snicker escaped. Pretty soon Shaun, Judah and I were bent over at the waist laughing. Between gasps of air I managed, "Cheryl, I think Shaun would be better umm... equipped to handle that." We all started laughing again. The banter went on for a while after that, but I think that my boss might have an interesting view on my relationships with the officers.

I'm not sure I will be able to escape that one. Already Nathan has asked me about teaching him sexual harassment.


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