Saturday, November 22, 2008

Death Knell for Ford, Chyrsler and GM

You know the auto industry is getting desperate when...

You receive in the mail an actual valet key with a flier attached that says "EMERGENCY SELL-OFF!" and then in smaller letter "BRING YOUR KEY IN TO SEE WHICH CAR YOU MIGHT HAVE WON
while supplies last; customer is responsible for all taxes, tags, fees and down payment"

So... let me get this straight: you mailed me a key that may or may not fit a car (not to mention who knows what type of car it is) and I still have to pay for this car that I suppositly won, all so you can get me onto a dealership lot so I can think about buying a new or used car that I probably can't afford.

I have great hope for the American Credit Industry... oi


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