Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Penny's Song

Ok, I know I've been posting lots of song lyrics and those awful poems that I write(which makes me remember why I don't write poetry)but this song has been stuck in my head for days, and I mean days. All day long. It's starting to drive me a little batty. I was walking around the office this morning and I heard music and I thought idly "hey, that's the song that's been stuck in my... oh, wait, that's me singing".

People think I must be happy because I'm humming and singing all day long, in reality the song is just so stuck in my head I'm hoping that anything will get it out. I've tried different types of music - watching movies and tv shows, nothing workings. I get frustrated with the movie because I can't focus on what's happening because the song keeps getting louder and louder.

I heard this really interesting interview of Oliver Saks by Terry Gross of Fresh Air (NPR from WHYY in Philadelphia)about his new book Musicophillia - about how music affects the mind. He talked about musical hallucinations (hearing music in your head) - different from auditory hallucinations (voices speaking to you) and their effect in the brain, especially in relation to epilepsy. I swear, this song is my musical hallucination for the week. It just keeps playing and playing and playing. If you're interested in the interview (quite fascinating actually) you can listen to it here

Now, back to Penny's song: you can watch all of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog on Hulu.com or YouTube but this is what's been stuck in my head for days.


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