Saturday, April 30, 2005

Best Laid Plans

These past two days have been rather... interesting to say the least. Thursday night was Mock Rock. Which was amazing! I have never seen anything funnier in my entire stay here. The sheer amount of talent was astonishing. I have never seen that many people dance that well together in such creative and hysterical ways. Let alone seeing an entire floor of Emerson (all male) dance an entire old school Michael Jackson music video. It was astonishing. I haven't laughed that hard since I came to Biola. I've noticed that all the worthwhile Biola traditions take place at the end of spring semester. Mock Rock, Biola Film Festive, Spring Banquet, etc. all happen at the end of April beginning of May. I don't get it.

I went to a TV taping last night with 6 of the girls from my floor that I seem to have united by some strange force of nature. Hannah and I became friends, even though I am the last door at the far end of the hall and she on the exact opposite end. Rachel lives across the hall and met Hannah and Nantikan (Hannah's lovely Jersey roommate) because I was always in Hannah' room or she in mine. And then the other Rachel and her roommate joined in, don't ask me how, but it's great fun. But back to the main point of the story, the TV taping. We went to go see the pilot of a new sitcom "Best Laid Plans" which has people from Frasier, Third Rock from the Sun, and some other well knowns. It was pretty good. It will probably get onto the fall line up. The especially neat thing is that not only did they feed the entire audience pizza, but they were paying us $20 a person to sit there and laugh. Now that's what I call amusing.


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