Monday, April 25, 2005

Ooh La La

Well, these past few days have been rather interesting. Thursday I practically fell out of my chair in Dr. Pickett's British Literature class due to dizziness, which is never good. But I got to meet the head of the English dept. at SPU, Susan Van Zanten Gallagher that day, so I think that made up for it. Friday I went to Dr. Doland's retirement party, which was a lot of fun, and had everyone in stitches because everyone was telling these great stories about her. I didn't realize how much she had done, not just in general, but also for Biola. Heck, if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have BUBBS - which would be completely scandalous. Speaking of scandalous I got an e-mail the other day informing me that my "problems in bed" are caused by lousy nuclei. Silly me, I thought it was because I don't have a husband. My goodness, what was I thinking?

On Saturday I slept so much! it was horrible, I got absolutely nothing done. I got up, went to brunch, came back, thought about my homework and then took a nap. I was only intending to sleep maybe an hour, but I didn't wake up until four hours later when Hannah pounded on my door asking if I wanted to go to dinner. At dinner Hannah and I planned what we're going to do this summer. Some weekend I'm going to take the train down to Seattle and spend the weekend in Port Orchard doing who-knows-what. Also Hannah and I are going to drive up to Canada and go to some fancy-smancy restaurant and buy an expensive dinner and a bottle of wine. Huzzah for Canada where the drinking age is 19. Woot!

I guess it was a good thing that I slept so late because I found out that my friend Rachel got into a huge fight with her grandparents over her beliefs. they disowned her, canceled her financial aid, threatened to kick her mother and younger sister out (who are living with them) and had the car company reposes her car - which they co-signed for. Everything she has right now is in her dorm room, which isn't much. She doesn't know what she's going to do. She doesn't have a place to live when school gets out, she doesn't have a job. I was up with her until 2:00am or so. I know that there are a few of you who regularly read my blog, so please, please pray for Rachel. This is so heart breaking, I wish there was more I could do to help her.

I still haven't heard back from either WWU or SPU, which is a little scary because the acceptance deadline is in 6 days. I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't get into either. Probably take a quarter off and work, maybe take a class at the community college or something like that. I really want to go to SPU; I am completely drawn there. Their English dept. is excellent and I could probably graduate at the end of the year, maybe at the end of summer quarter. Either is completely do-able. I just hope that I get in, and they let me know soon. This suspense is driving me nuts. Arg.

This past week I gave in a bought an ipod shuffle. I must say that I entirely thrilled with my splurge (did I spell that right? oh well.) It is, as Brian Russell would say, "Neat!" All I can hope is that I don't become one of those people who walk around all day long with their white earphones in their ears ignoring the world and thinking they are so cool because they have an ipod. The other day I saw some girl who had her ipod in one ear and her cell phone in the other. I was frightening, I don't know how she did it, but I guess some people can pull it off.

Well, there are only 31 days until I get to go home. Whoohoo!!! I am excited about going back home; I can't wait. But I have also realized that I have 45-50 pages worth of papers that I need to write in the next 30 days as well as do the research for them. I wish I could take a week off from classes and just write my papers, but that probably isn't a good idea. I wouldn't get them all done, and teachers generally frown on missing that much class. *sighs* oh well, it will get done, how I don't know, but it will.


Blogger throughWaters said...

well, well... any way this school thing works out could be rather interesting. I'm not sure where I'll be next year, but if it involves school it likely won't be starting until Winter quarter.
mmm similarities...

10:43 AM  

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