Friday, April 08, 2005

I feel sleepy...

I am sleepy right now. I want to go to bed, but I know that in the morning I won't want to get up. I never do. There is something about biola that makes me tired, all the time. No matter how compelling my stomach is being or how wonderful a hot shower would feel I simply don't want to get out of bed. I always feel like I need more sleep, like I haven't had enough. I can get anywhere from 3-11 hours of sleep and I still feel sleepy. My bed is always nice, warm and cozy; on top of that I don't have anything other than chapel, class, and homework to look forward to. Why would anyone want to get out of bed for those things? When I was home for break I could go to bed at 2:00-3:00 in the morning and get up 7 hours later and be filled with energy and want to get up. Here... I have to force myself up out of bed and restrain myself from climbing back in after five minutes. I feel like I sleep better here, but it's obvious that I don't because of my continuous lack of energy. I think I just miss my cat. My poor, demented witch kitty - Gwenifur. She always sleeps on my bed, sometimes on my pillow and other times on my face. But she's my cat and I love her dearly. Maybe I just need something alive in my room while I sleep, something with it's own heartbeat, something with it's own breath. Most people at biola would tell me that I need to get married. I think I just need my cat.

"The greatest sin passion can commit is to be joyless." - Dorothy L. Sayers


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