Thursday, May 05, 2005

"...cowards fleeing before a relovution..."

Last night I went to chapel instead of doing my paper (just like I'm writing this instead of doing the same paper) and it was packed full of people. I know we were breaking fire codes. All the pews were full and the people were jammed into the aisles, practically standing on each other. This in of itself was amazing and heartwarming. But then I actually noticed the people. There was this amazing worship service going on and there were so many people talking on their cell phones, giggling to each other, kissing their boyfriends in the back corners, doing everything but what we were there for. There were so many people who were there to worship, but the effect was diminished. I was standing just inside and to the left of one of the side doors so that more people could get in. and so many people would just walk in and stand there, right in front of the door and no see me or the others that were close by. They just stood there and talked until someone else tried to come in through that door and there was no place for them to go. This happened three or four times, I mean it's just dumb to stand in from of the door in a jam-packed room with more people coming in and then get upset because you are stuck. I would have rather people just swiped their card to get credit and left. Which a lot of people did. There were people who piled their stuff onto the pews around them so no one could sit down with them. People were sitting on the floor, some places they couldn't sit because there wasn't enough room and here were these girls with purses and backpacks piled around them taking up 6 or 7 extra seats.

Are we so consumed by our culture that our beliefs, the very things that make us different, don't matter? Are we so blinded by the world that we don't even see our brothers and sisters in Christ? How can we be the Body if we ignore the feet or the hands, or even the heart? We can't. This selfishness, this apathy, this willful blindness gets us nowhere but farther away from God. Our relationships with God have become so personalized and so relativized that we have forgotten the reason we are Christians. We are the salt of the earth and we have lost our saltiness. We are the light of the world and we hide our candles so that no one can judge us. We have ceased to encourage each other, to pray earnestly for one another, to seek after God with heartfelt abandon. We have ceased to stand firm in our beliefs, and be open, loud and truthful about our faith. Instead we are divided, judgmental, and feel very much judged by not just the world but by our own people.

"And we must accept in the highest mind the same transcended destiny. Not pinched in a corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution; but redeemers and benefactors. Pious aspirants to be noble clay plastics before the Almighty effort. Let us advance and advance on the chaos and the dark!" - Emerson


Blogger throughWaters said...

how, now, shall we live?

5:42 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

We must become pious aspirants to be nobel clay plastics under the Almighty effort. We shall advance and advance on the chaos and the dark...

6:58 AM  
Blogger throughWaters said...

i don't understand that.. "nobel clay plastics"? .."under the Almighty effort"?

~which is it: clay or plastic?
~what does it mean to be "under" the effort of someone else?
~"advance on the chaos" sounds inspirational, but how do we do it? it sounds like it could be a call to organize my closet.. or to march on a figurative army.

the words sound nice, but my question still stands.. i'm looking for tangible application.

i don't mean to sound either cynical or suppressive.. but i am curious. let me know what you learn..

9:51 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Alright. First off there weren't plastics in Emerson's time; they hadn't been invented yet. The word plastic means "capable of being molded" (Merriam Webster's dictionary) to be noble clay plastics means to be clay that is not hard or hardened so that you can be molded. Molded by what you ask? The Almighty effort.
The Almighty effort is God. Therefore to be under the Almighty effort is to be under God and his plan/will. To be under someone's plan or will is to be receiving orders and carrying them out. To be under supervision is to have someone watching over you. To be under someone's will is to have their will take precedence over your own. In this case the Divine will.
We know from scriptures that God's overarching plan is for his people to be saved; this goes out as the general or gospel call. When we "advance and advance on the chaos and the dark" we are going out into the world, under the will of God, to deliver the Word of God to those who do not have it, whose lives are in the dark for they have not seen the light (somewhere in John.) Do not trivialize his words with things like "it sounds like it could be a call to organize my closet." Emerson is calling his fellow Americans (almost all Christian) to place themselves under the Will of God and literally march of the dark and evil in this world. God is a God or order; Satan is the master of chaos. He is calling them to march on Satan, which is not just an Emerson idea, it's also biblical.

10:28 PM  
Blogger throughWaters said...

neat. that helps a lot.

an interesting side thought from your statement: "...fellow Americans (almost all Christian)..."
My Grandpa is under the impression that if a person is born in america, that person is automatically a Christian. ..that Christianity comes with citizenship. That makes me skeptical about any generalizations about the word "Christian".

3:28 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

In Emerson's time, except for the "savages" (their term, not mine) America was a Christian nation because they literally hanged, decapitated, or drowned anyone who wasn't. They were mostly Calvinists or Lutherans. The idea that Christianity comes with citizenship in America is something that was born out of the early 1920s and was reaffirmed in the 1950s with the adding of "Under God" to the pledge of Allegiance. I say "almost all Christian" because they were almost all Christian.

3:38 AM  

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