Saturday, May 14, 2005

A white garment of churches

I hate being sick. I absolutely hate it with every atom and cell within my body. Yuck. Not only is being sick horrible in of itself, but I really dislike the gross, dirty feeling that I get when I'm sick. I feel like I need to take a shower every hour just to be clean. Then there's the fact that it's the week before finals which is the worst possible time to be sick, not to mention that it's so freaking hot and disgusting outside with it's 85 degrees and 88% humidity. Plus the fact that the sky has ceased to be blue, but is sort of a brown sickly color - looks a lot like snot actually. *shudders* ew.

Well, I spent the afternoon in the library today getting books for my cathedral research paper that's due in 10 days. I checked out 16 books and 1 videotape and had to have someone help me carry the books to my dorm room because they were too heavy to carry all in one load. (thank you Will) ugh. I'm spending the day in my room tomorrow and writing my paper, leaving only to get food, water, and go to the bathroom. Hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow or Sunday. If I get my paper done by the end of tomorrow that leaves Sunday for me to read "A handful of dust" for British Lit. And then maybe I can work on my short story/research analysis for Fantasy lit. After that come studying for all my finals. Whoopie, I can't wait. BUT I'm going to be home in 11 days!!! HUZZAH!!! *does a happy dance, then falls into bed completely exhausted* Goodnight, may flights of angels fly thee to thy rest.

My heart shall sing of the day you bring; let the fires of Your justice burn. Wipe away all tears, for the dawn draws near; and the world is about to turn.


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