Monday, September 05, 2005


My parents just dropped a bombshell on me, my college fund is empty. Okay, let me start from the beginning. I was looking into getting a digital camera and found one that I really rather liked (Olympus c-5500 sport zoom just in case you want to get me one for Christmas j/k) and my mom said that probably wouldn't be such a good idea that I should save as much money as I could. I was sort of puzzled by this because we had already figured out a budget for me next year and I already have the money set aside for it. It turns out that my college fund is almost completely empty - sometime in the last few months over half of what was left in my account disappeared. The stocks and bonds in which they had invested in crashed and now I have don't even have enough to pay for a second quarter at SPU. I have one year left and no money to pay for it. I don't know what I'm going to do - even if I took a year of and worked fulltime I wouldn't earn enough money to pay for a year of school - mostly because I wouldn't have a degree. All I want is to be finished with school and now I can't even do that without getting myself into massive amounts of debt. Even if I took the SPU loan and the Stafford loan I wouldn't have enough money to pay for a full year. *sighs* prayer would be good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, that's not true. But, by itself, it won't pay all of your tuition. That's not to say that the money won't be found somewhere, somehow. But save your money until you're sure how it's all going to be paid for.


7:56 AM  

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