Friday, June 10, 2005

Two for the dough

I'm on a total Stephanie Plum and Flogging Molly binge. In the past 6 days I've read 10 Stephanie Plum novels and the first two chapters of the 11th book which is coming out sometime this month. Hurray! I must say that Flogging Molly - an Irish punk rock folk music band - has me completely captivated. I love the way they mesh traditional sounds and instruments with contemporary rock music and style. A few bands have tried this sounds but haven't been able to pull it off, Flogging Molly however has done and is doing an amazing job.

Yesterday I saw Batman Begins with my dad and my sister; it was so good! I went in expecting to see something on par or slightly better than the old batman movies. This was so much better in every respect than the ones that have been done in the past. Christian Bale has got to be, by far, the best Batman yet. I am going to have to see the movie another time or two. I know that it's being played on the Imax theater down in Seattle. I'll have to get a group of people to go down and watch it with me.

I finally got a job; I start Monday morning bright and early. Wheee! I'm going to working at Premier Graphics for a week as a binder and then transfer over to shipping. I'm excited, it doesn't pay much but it's always at least 40 hours a week with the possibility of overtime. I'll be working 5 days a week 8 hours a day. ugh. But I'm just happy that it's a job that pays me more than minimum wage.

Oh, for those of you who read this please pray for Michael and his family. His uncle - his father's younger brother - died Friday morning of a heart attack. Most of his family left this afternoon for the funeral. Also one of the guys in his class, Jeff, at BTC died last week, and nobody knows what happened or anything. So please pray for him and the families of the people who died.

525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife. In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?


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