Thursday, May 26, 2005

There's no place like home

Not only am I finished, I'm home! I got home last night around 10:00pm, said hello to my sister, grandfather and both cats, then went promptly to bed where I slept until 9:30. That felt so good, especially since I had only gotten a total of 8 hours of sleep for the two nights prior.

Oddly enough, when I left CA it was overcast and just barely warm. I get to Washington and it's bright, sunny and 85 degrees. I love sunshine, especially when there isn't any smog; there are trees, and not a lot of humidity. I have a job interview later today; I hope that goes well, I would really like a job. Jobs are good, they get you money, and I like money, especially since I have none. Michael's coming over today after school, which will be awesome! I'm going to make him help me rearrange my room, unpack and give me a back rub. Aren't I such a good girlfriend? But it will be so good to see him, it's been just over 2 months since I've seen him, it seems like so long; already I'm excited and I've got another 4 fours. AHHHHHHH!!!! Alright, time for me to go get ready for my interview!


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