Saturday, October 01, 2005


I have literally just gotten back from seeing Joss Whedon's Serenity. It is probably the best movie I have seen all year long. I am speechless about how good this movie really is. It was funny, it was heart-wrenchingly sad, it had lots of action, and it was incredibly well done in most every respect. There are a few things that I wish hadn't happened, but I can see the reasoning - abit insane and stupid reasoning - that made this movie simply brilliant instead of the best goddamn movie of the year. Next to A&E's Pride and Prejudice, this is my favorite movie. Ever. I cannot wax elequently enough to full describe how good this movie is. I am fabulously in love with this film, there isn't much one can say about a great movie without giving anything away. Go see this extrodinary film.

I aim to misbehave.
- Mal "Serenity"


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