Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My man post (full text)

Following in my sister's footsteps, I've also decided to do my semi-annual man post. I'm trying to figure out why I have the innate urge to ditch the perfectly good, smart, handsome man I'm with and hold out for some big epic, mind-blowing man who -if he doesn't sweep me off my feet - tackles me to the ground with his intelligence, honor, big muscles, humor, and other things that every girl wants. As most people who know me know that I refuse to settle, I refuse to be or have mediocre - dang, I even refuse pretty good. Why do I feel like anything short of masculine perfection (my definition of perfection if you please) isn't good enough for me? Maybe this is arrogant - okay, okay, I know it's arrogant - but I still can't help myself. All the men I know like that (and there are some of them out there, I have met them so I know they exist) are either taken or not interested. The not interested part doesn't quite meet up to expectations because I don't want someone who doesn't want me, but still, the rest is all there. This is a horrible feeling! I know a lot of great guys, I mean really, really great guys who have these huge amazing hearts, and smart brains inside their heads, and are so sweet, but... there's something missing from them that I can't quite place. Even if I could pick out parts from all the guys I know and create my own perfect guy, I wonder if I would be happy with them. In any case, I would rather not dwell on that particular thought. So, here are my requirements for the perfect man.

He would look like this:

Lt. Col. John Sheppard played by Joe Flanigan

Now, this man would have to have many good qualities such as honor, integrity, intelligence, wit, sarcasm, ability, grace, and a good grasp of things unsaid. Let me speak briefly on probably one of the most important of these qualities, intelligence. I'm not talking a geek or someone who is just about brain power, I'm talking about someone who is smart, can grasp difficult ideas and situations with ease and adapt to them and think about them intelligently. But intelligence without a sense of honor and morality cannot be had in this "perfect man" of mine. There are a lot of very intelligent people out there who are nasty as all get out, down right mean and cruel - so intelligence has to go hand in hand with a good dose of moral codes and ethics. Having this high of a level of intelligence would not, however, make him arrogant. Sure, having a well-sized ego is good for the soul, but he would also be humble. Not too humble, because self-deprecating humor is a bit annoying - I think you get the idea. He has to be smart, and be nice about it at the same time. I don't even know why I'm going into all of this. There's either a man good enough out there for me, or there isn't. Nothing said in here is going to change it.

I just wish that I didn't have this sense of something epic - that there is something (or someone) bigger and better waiting out there for me. I want a Morelli or a Ranger - someone who is all warm, and smart, and sexy, and smells really good. All the characters that I'm attracted to hold the same things in common, but I'm not sure what that thing is. There's Mr. Darcy a wealthy English noble man with deep pineing looks, Joe Morelli a good italian cop who is a sucker for cannoli and big orange dogs, Ranger a bounty hunter-mercenary-meets-businessman who is so gorgeous that women fall over just thinking about, Jack O'Neill an Air Force general who goes off visiting other worlds and likes to pretend he's dumber then he actually is, Lt. Col. John Sheppard a man who also goes visiting other worlds but his sense of honor (and humor) are impeccable. Do you see a trend? I see a list of strong men who know their strengths and weaknesses and don't let anything hold them back. They all have a great sense duty, loyalty, honor, intelligence, and humor. This is what I want in a man, but I'm not so sure that I can have everything that I want. Settling for anything less, seems like not enough, but I can't help but want it anyway.


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