Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Come thou day in night

Well, I'm finally graduated. I still have to take all my summer classes to be truly finished, but I still got to walk. It was a good ceremony, long - very, very, long - but good non-the-less. My party was on Sunday (thank you to all of you who showed) and it was a lot of fun. Food, friends, and a frisbee always equal a good time. I still have to write my thank you notes to everyone who showed, but I really don't feel like doing that right now. I don't really feel like doing anything. I feel really strange, I don't really want to be in my apartment, but at the same time I don't want to go to my parent's house. That feels like home, but at the same time it also feels more like a place of tension than anything else. Seattle is beautiful as it always is, but with Heather here for the summer it doesn't feel right either. I guess I'm just feeling very quiet and solitary. I just get like this sometimes, probably just me going through withdrawal from being around so many people on Saturday and Sunday.

I have so much to do this summer it's crazy how I'm supposed to get it all done. I always get it done, but this is just nuts. I'm reading a book and a half a week as well as writing a paper every week, and this is in addition to daily three hour statistics class I'm taking until July 7th, and then my astronomy class which is two weeks at the end of Aug. So, I have to get all of that done, pack all my stuff up and move out of my apartment and get ready for my surgery. Whew, that's a lot to do. blah.

come night, come love; come thou day in night
for thou wilt lie upon the wings of night
whiter than new snow on a raven's back
come, gentle night; come, loving black-browed night
give me my love and when I shall die
take him and cut him out in little stars
and he will make the face of heaven so fine
that all the world will be in love with night
and pay no worship to the garish sun - Juliet 3.2.17-25


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