Saturday, August 26, 2006


For those of you who were wondering, my surgery on wed. went very well, and I was home in bed by 1:00pm. Not too shabby, huh? I'm doing pretty well, I'm not really allowed to do much or pick anything up. I'm in a little bit of pain, but not bad enough to actually need the vicodin that they gave me. I had my drains taken out today - a very strange feeling to have a tube pulled out of your body, very snake like - and have to go back in on in the middle of next week to have some stitches removed. All in all I'm feeling very good about this whole thing. I looked in the mirror today and my first thought was "holy crap, they're normal looking." I'm very excited for the healing process to be over so I can actually wear cool clothes and go shopping at Victoria Secrets. Whooohooo! In about a week or so I need to start looking for jobs; probably up here in Bellingham, down in Seattle, and then down in McMinnville, OR. Thanks so much for the prayers!


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