Friday, November 03, 2006


I'm really pissed off right now - I just got back from an amazing week down in California only to come back to a mother who is unbelievably rude and acting more of a childish brat than I ever was as a teenage girl. I came back Tuesday evening (also my dad's birthday) and then immediately started work the next morning and didn't even have a chance to unpack. So my mother decided to do it for me by dumping all of my belongings on the floor with no regard to what it was. She didn't even need the suitcase - she just did it. Then she dumped my clean basket of clothes on top and simply left. It wasn't bothering anybody, it was sitting in the corner of my room where I want planning on taking care of it this weekend when I actually had time. You just don't touch other people's stuff and treat it like crap. You just don't do that - I don't care if you're my mother, my roommate, my husband, whoever; you just don't do things like that. ARG!!! Talk about going from the ultimate high to the ultimate low.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. is she mad at you?

11:42 PM  

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