Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Dresden Files

Today I decided to try something new, something I have never done before in my life: listen to an audio book. That's right, not read a book, listen to a book. There are two things that started me on this new adventure, the first being a practical reason - I've been reading so much that my eyes are bloodshot and things are starting to get fuzzy if I read for more than 5 hours straight (they used to get fuzzy around 8). The second reason is actually one of those reasons that isn't really a reason, it's more of a guilty pleasure and that guilty pleasure being James Marsters' voice. Marsters is of Buffy and Angel fame playing the renowned, infamous, and hilarious vampire Spike - also known as William the Bloody (he is also the only man with bleached blonde hair that will ever be attractive). 

James Marsters has narrated the first 5 books in a series by Jim Butcher, the Dresden Files, about a wizard turned private detective named Harry Dresden. (This is pretty much the extent of my knowledge of the books so far... well, that and he started a vampire war sometime in the recent past and has a thing for women in high heeled pumps - but what man doesn't?)

Now, knowing absolutely nothing about the series when I dived into this adventure except that it was narrated by said man with the lovely voice I was quite surprised to find myself actually interested in the book and the characters. However, the book is far more hilarious that I expected; this may be problematic because I still haven't figured out if it was meant to be as funny as it is or if Marsters has put a bit of his own personality into the reading of the novel. Either way, the next few days shall prove to be highly entertaining. 


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