Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Procrastination: The Highest Form of Literary Art

Well it's the first day of finals and once again I'm procrastinating by writing here instead of writing my papers. Of which I have two left to write. One is a 12 page paper for my Classic Latin Lit. class which is comparing art work of Dido to what actually happened in Virgil's Aeneid. And the second paper is for my American Ethnic Lit. class which is about how Race is not biological, but ideological in nature - meaning that it was born out of historical context rather than because it is something inherent in all of us. Whee, that should be fun, at least the second paper is only 7 pages of which I have 3 already finished. But that one's not due until Friday. I also have two final exams left to take - a theology exam and my Latin exam. *shudders* this is going to be one stressful week.

On top of that stress I have the stress of the fact that my boyfriend's mother hates me and is determined to my make mine - and his - life a living hell. If this happened any other time than now it wouldn't be so bad, but because it's all coming down during finals I'm about ready to either explode or have my insides melt and turn into a puddle of toxic goo. (Either she would be happy with because it would mean that in that form Michael can't date me anymore) Couldn't she have waited at least until I had another paper done? I mean, that's just common courtesy, right? Yeah, I wish. But at least I got to play in the snow last weekend. I went home for the Perry Pallet Christmas Party (which was ruined by the above mentioned mother) and it had snowed a few days previous and then it started snowing again Sunday afternoon. Whee! At least that was fun. That and the large steak roast that my mother made for dinner were the only highlights of what should have been a very enjoyable weekend. (Yes, I'm mad.)

Since this quarter is almost finished I get to look ahead to the next one: one full of 19 credits - five classes. A full load is considered 15 credits and 3 classes, but I - in my infinite wisdom - decided that since I would like to graduate by the end of the summer, I should take 19 credits. Right now I'm signed up for UCOR 2000 (something about world history), Modern Fiction, Literary Capstone: Toni Morrison, Senior English Capstone, and Math Lab. Dear Lord, save me now I pray. Oh yeah, and I'll be working somewhere between 10-15 hours a week. Don't ask me when I'll be doing my homework because I don't know.

Anyways, I think that's mostly it. I really should be getting back to my paper... after I eat food.

If we don't find a way out of this mess I'm going to lose it. Lose it. It means, go crazy... nuts... insane... bonzo... no longer in possessions of one's faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal, WACKO!!!! -Jack O'Neill


Blogger Lynn Green said...

My home was never cleaner, my lawn never more well kept, my pencils never sharper than when I had a major project such as my thesis or my finals due.

Good luck. "It's a great life if you don't weaken."

6:15 AM  

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