Saturday, March 11, 2006

"For I dipped into the future, far as the human eye could see, saw the vision of the world and all the wonder that would be"

OMG!!!! I just watched the season finale of Stargate Sg-1 and this is probably the most classic yet hanging episode the writers have come up with. The first season ended with much the same sort of cliff hanger, but this one was so much better. The first half of the episode wasn't bad, but it wasn't amazing - but the second half... that's a completely different story. Call me a pop culture junkie or a procrastinator (the latter is much more apt) but this was an amazing episode. I'm so excited about next season. Wait... I just realized that I don't even know I there is going to be a new season. *gasp* if there is no Stargate, how will I procrastinate????? My academic life is over! Yes I'm being highly dramatic, but this is stress relief from finals. :)

I wasn't very thrilled with the Season Finale of Atlantis, sort of predictable - not too shabby as early cliff hangers go, but not as good as I hoped. I still very excited about it, about both of them. It's a little hard to believe that little old earth has so many people/aliens/high beings after them. Lets see, originally there was the Gou'uld, then the Replicators, now the Ori, and the Wraith on top of that. Isn't that a bit much for galaxy, let alone one planet? I mean come on. Isn't that a little much? Even if it is, I must admit that Stargate is my guilty pleasure. It's my procrastination tool, it makes me feel better when I'm depressed, it's my good friend. It satisfies me when I'm bored and makes me giggle in the dark while I'm hunched over my laptop. I have over 200 episodes of both Stargate and Stargate Sg-1 on my computer. Granted most aren't on my computer, only about 40 are actually on my computer, the rest are on CDs. *grins* yes, I know you think I'm sad.

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious - the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. - Albert Einstein


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