Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Bordering on Beauty

Sleepless in the night
You ravish me
As angels fly into ecstasy
Slipping, sliding, screaming.
Be all my sins remembered.
And when the stars watered
Heaven with their tears
You ravished me
Spears rained down
Piercing, puncturing, pounding
Sounding, sounding, darkness. Silence
All encompassing, in, through, around

In, out; in, out
Start, stop; start, stop
Gasp for a breath
Bodies being ravished, wrenched
Torn from their minds and
Thrown into the far reaches.
Crawl back, flown by angels
Into the arms from whence you departed
Grasp and cling to the verge
The precipice, before you
Once again are thrown down
To ride the waves that
Wrack your body.
Stillness, heart palpitating
Body boneless, bordering on beauty
And yet, you ravish me.

copyright Rebecca Taylor 2006.

Tell me what you think, and no (unlike what my roommate thought) this is not about sex.


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