Saturday, January 07, 2006

Throw Down Your Farewell

Alright, I'm not even going to talk about my Christmas vacation because it was probably the worst ones I can remember. Not the actual Christmas day, but the whole vacation pretty much sucked. Crap, now I'm talking about it. I'm going to stop talking about it right now.

(I think you can tell I've been reading Stephanie Plum novels again) But now that school has started again I'm starting to get a little freaked out. Okay, I have five classes and I've only have 3 of them so far because school started in the middle of the week. So far I've had the *joy* of going to Modern Fiction which is taught by a very British lady - so there is that highlight - UCOR 2000 which promises to be the worse class I've taken in my college career (except for psych my freshman year) and by far the most high school class I've taken since... well, high school. Last night I spend two hours writing the daily assignments for the next three weeks, complete busy work. I hate - no detest - busy work. My other class that I've had is by far the hardest class I will ever take: Literary Capstone: Toni Morrison. I have so much stuff to do for that class, I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do it I have so many paper to do just for that class alone. *sighs* I still haven't had my Senior Capstone or my math lab. I'll see how that goes Monday I guess.

I must say that I really don't like Hemmingway. He's driving me mad! He can't freaking write! (IMHO) He has this macho way of writing - he wrote this book for men, not for everyone. He holds tight to this 'I'm a man's man" sort of ideal for his characters and all the women are flat - actually they're very curvatious, you know what I mean - In "A Farewell to Arms" Catherine, the supposed heroine to Henry's hero, is a complete bimbo. There is honestly nothing there, even the professor agreed with that statement. He's driving me nuts; I'm not sure how I am going to finish this novel. I'm so glad that "Mrs. Dalloway" next, it will be a nice break from all the testosterone.


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