Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I don't generally do things on my blog that one might call political but I'm following Scott Westerfeld's lead on this one by setting my blog's time settings to GMT +3:30 (which is Tehran). Here's his explanation:

Here’s the reason for this change: Censors in Iran are currently searching for blogs with Tehran local settings as a way of finding and shutting down sites that are protesting Iran’s recent (probably stolen) election. The more blogs in the world that are set to Tehran time, the harder the job is for these censors to do their job.

(By the way, if you are a censor visiting here from the Iranian authorities, welcome! I hope I have wasted your time. In other news: your regime sucks. Why not just play Tetris today instead of quelling protest? It would be more fun, and you would not personally be contributing to the suckage.)

If you, dear reader, have a blog, you can also set it to UMT +3:30. Somewhere in your dashboard or whatever is a button called “settings.” Click it and you should be able to change your local time fairly easily.

Fighting this sort of censorship seems like a reasonable thing to do.


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